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  • Green Coffee Bean Extract Is Healthy For Weight Loss

    It has been confirmed once again that green coffee bean extract is an effective contributor to successful weight loss. However, a lot of people rightly worry about possible side effects of anything that has to be consumed in pill form. What's the verdict on green coffee beans?

    First of all, it's important to understand that the active ingredient in green coffee beans is chlorogenic acid, a substance that disappears in the roasting and drying process that produces regular coffee. Studies have provided evidence that chlorogenic acid stops the liver from releasing glucose into the body. In this way, the body is forced to consume glucose that is already present in fat deposits, leading to a quicker loss of excess fat.

    That's the theory. There has also been some suggestion that chlorogenic acid helps speed up metabolism and regulate blood pressure.
    While no harmful side effects have been found, this could partly just be because researchers are still in early stages of investigations into green coffee bean extract. For now, experts are saying it seems safe, but if you have pre-existing health conditions, or are concerned about pregnancy or age, it's probably just as well to avoid taking these pills until more information becomes available.

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    The Home Coffee Roaster Hub, was founded by Harry Moorehead, in 2012, and is a Forum Devoted To 9,800+ Coffee Roaster Aficionados, and Coffeecionados, from all over the World. Chat about Coffee Roasting, Roast Coffee Profiles and Logs, Coffee Bean Varieties, and DIY Home Coffee Roaster Projects.

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